Tratamientos para hemorroides, cura y remedios para aliviar hemorroides con Anuice


ABC de las Hemorroides

Las hemorroides son dilataciones a modo de nódulos varicosos de las venas del plexo hemorroidal. También se definen como las venas en el canal anal que pueden inflamarse o extenderse. Existen varias formas de clasificarlas ya sea por su ubicación o por el tiempo de evolución.

Por ubic

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Preguntas Frecuentes Causas, Prevención y Cura de Hemorroides

Las hemorroides son males comunes. Casi la mitad de la población norteamericana desarrollan hemorroides cuando llegan cerca de los 50 años. Las principales Causas de las hemorroides son El estreñimiento crónico, diarrea, factores hereditarios y el envejecimiento también puede resultar en hemorroides

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Kit Anuice
  • KIT anuice® incluye:
  • El dispositivo criogénico de anuice®
  • Un contenedor para congelar y guardar de manera higiénica el dispositivo anuice®
  • Un frasco gotero de lubricante
  • gel de 30 ml
  • Instrucciones de uso y manual con recomendaciones para el control de las hemorroides.
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Cryotherapy Pain Relief Products, Inc., and its associates protect the Web site visitors' privacy by using the information received only to respond to petitions or questions that the user may have about the products the company offers. The information provided will be used only to improve customer service, and will be sent to a database that will store it; it will be revisited in case there is the need to confirm data sent through our portals. Cryotherapy Pain Relief Products, Inc. and its associates reserve themselves the right to share users' information. 

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The site's content is of informative nature, and it has the purpose of orienting and instructing. The people in charge of writing and editing the information, and everyone involved in the creation of the content, have no responsibility in the decisions made based on what it says. The site's content must be used as support material, not as diagnosis of any kind, nor for any disease. If used as final diagnosis, Cryotherapy Pain Relief Products, Inc. and its associates detach themselves of any responsibility towards the user in question. Everyone involved in the updating processes of the site, and in its design and editing, reserve themselves the right to make, without previous announcement, updates and / or permanent modifications to the site, excluding themselves from any responsibility related to said updates or modifications. The site's information can include links to external Web pages; the owners of said pages are responsible for the content published there, and Cryotherapy Pain Relief Products, Inc., and its associates detach themselves from any responsibility related to the information that those pages can contain. Cryotherapy Pain Relief Products, Inc. also has no relation with the information on those sites that announces or publicizes events of any nature. Regarding the informative content on the site, it is established that its only purpose is to inform, and that in no way it intends to give patients a final diagnosis of a disease. It is recommended that all patients see a specialist to inform themselves about the diseases or aches they can be suffering from. In case there are symptoms of a disease, patients must see a doctor, as medicating themselves with no supervision, or starting a treatment without having a diagnosis, certified by a professional, can have repercussions on their health.


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Privacy policies.
Cryotherapy Pain Relief Products, Inc., and its associates protect the Web site visitors' privacy by using the information received only to respond to petitions or questions that the user may have about the products the company offers. The information provided will be used only to improve customer service, and will be sent to a database that will store it; it will be revisited in case there is the need to confirm data sent through our portals. Cryotherapy Pain Relief Products, Inc. and its associates reserve themselves the right to share users' information.
Legal notice.
The site's content is of informative nature, and it has the purpose of orienting and instructing. The people in charge of writing and editing the information, and everyone involved in the creation of the content, have no responsibility in the decisions made based on what it says. The site's content must be used as support material, not as diagnosis of any kind, nor for any disease. If used as final diagnosis, Cryotherapy Pain Relief Products, Inc. and its associates detach themselves of any responsibility towards the user in question. Everyone involved in the updating processes of the site, and in its design and editing, reserve themselves the right to make, without previous announcement, updates and / or permanent modifications to the site, excluding themselves from any responsibility related to said updates or modifications. The site's information can include links to external Web pages; the owners of said pages are responsible for the content published there, and Cryotherapy Pain Relief Products, Inc., and its associates detach themselves from any responsibility related to the information that those pages can contain. Cryotherapy Pain Relief Products, Inc. also has no relation with the information on those sites that announces or publicizes events of any nature. Regarding the informative content on the site, it is established that its only purpose is to inform, and that in no way it intends to give patients a final diagnosis of a disease. It is recommended that all patients see a specialist to inform themselves about the diseases or aches they can be suffering from. In case there are symptoms of a disease, patients must see a doctor, as medicating themselves with no supervision, or starting a treatment without having a diagnosis, certified by a professional, can have repercussions on their health.
©COPYRIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TOTAL OR PARTIAL REPRODUCTION OF THIS MATERIAL WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF Cryotherapy Pain Relief Products, Inc. IS PROHIBITED. ALL BRANDS USED IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE REGISTERED IN FAVOR OF ITS OWNER. The contents on this Web site, as authors' rights and rights of intellectual property related to it belong to Cryotherapy Pain Relief Products, Inc. and its associates. All material contained in the site, including texts, photographs, logotypes, design material, archives, and any kind of stored data, are propriety of Cryotherapy Pain Relief Products, Inc. and its associates, and its distribution, sale, usage or modification, without prior authorization of the company, and for purposes alien to it, is prohibited. The content published on this site is of informative nature. Equally, any name, design, or any element presented on this Web site, accompanied by the letters TM, or R, that stand for 'trademark' and 'registered', or by an asterisk, represent material protected by the laws of industrial propriety, which means that its use and distribution are prohibited, regardless of the purpose.